Youth Ministry Team

Interested in mentoring Middle and High Schoolers?

Volunteer Positions:

Small Group Leader

After our Sunday night Fusion services, our students separate into small groups to delve deeper into the night's topic. We need volunteers to help facilitate these discussions and encourage our students' growth and health spiritually, relationally, and personally. This is highly relational leadership position.


The students love it when we can provide food on Sunday nights for Fusion, and that is all thanks to volunteers who want to bless our youth by providing snacks.


Help us make our Sunday Night youth services fun by planning and executing group games.

Big Event Volunteer

We always appreciate more help making our numerous large youth events happen every year, such as our annual Lock-In, summer camps, and retreats.


Support the Sunday evening student worship service by running our sound, light, and presentation tools. 


If you have a heart for worship and skills with an instrument and/or singing, we would love for you to try out to play or lead with our youth worship band. 

Bible Study Teacher

Help our students grow spiritually and mature in their faith and relationships with God and others by teaching our discipleship classes on Sunday mornings or during our midweek small group. 


Your primary role as a Youth Hospitality volunteer would be to help welcome our students to worship and fellowship on Sunday nights.


We want all our students to feel welcomed and loved here. As a Youth Connections volunteer, you would help us welcome new students to the ministry, help them get connected in relationships, and follow up with students throughout the week.